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Die Mörder Sind Unter Uns [Regio free (0)]

Icestorm Entertainment
Release date: 08. Oct 2012
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Sales Rank: 0
Style: Melodrama
Product No.: 1898186141
Language German (Deutsch DD 2.0 Dual Mono)
Subtitle: German, English, French, Turkish
Regioncode: B  What's that? Please note our information regarding region codes:
DVDs and Blu-Rays often are country encoded and do not play worldwide. Please check whether your player is compatible with the area code of the item.

DVD code - Area
0/free - Informal term meaning "worldwide"
1 - United States, Canada, Bermuda, U.S. territories
2 - Europe (Central Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe), Egypt, Middle East, Japan, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Greenland, British Overseas Territories, British Crown Dependencies, French Overseas departments and territories
3 - Southeast Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau
4 - Latin America (except French Guiana), Guyana, Suriname, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea, much of Oceania
5 - South Asia, Afghanistan, Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan), Africa (except Egypt, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho), Central Asia, Mongolia, North Korea
6 - China
7 - Reserved for future use, MPAA-related DVDs and "media copies" of pre-releases in Asia
8 - International venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, spacecraft, etc.
9 - all eight flags set, allowing the disc to be played in any location, on any player

Blu-Ray Code - Area
free/0 - Informal term meaning "worldwide".
A/1 - United States and their dependencies, East Asia, and Southeast Asia; excludes instances that fall under Region C.
B/2 - Africa, Middle East, Southwest Asia, most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and their dependencies; excludes instances that fall under Region C.
C/3 - Central Asia, mainland China, Mongolia, South Asia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and the aforementioned regions' dependencies.
Playtime: 81 min
Picture format: 1.33:1
Sound format: HDTV 1080i
1x Blu-ray Disc (25 GB)
Age rating: Suitable for 6 years and over
Description:Labelcode 1019873ICD

Nach dem Krieg kehrt die junge Fotografin Susanne aus dem KZ in ihre Wohnung zurück. Dort findet sie den Chirurg Mertens vor, der mit übermäßigen Alkoholkonsum versucht, seine furchtbaren Erinnerungen zu verdrängen. Susanne hilft ihm, dass er wieder langsam zu sich findet...
Actors: Ernst Wilhelm Borchert; Hildegard Knef; Arno Paulsen; Elly Burgmer; Erna Sellmer; Hilde Adolphi; Marlise Ludwig; Ursula Krieg; Robert Forsch; Albert Johannes; Wolfgang Dohnberg; Ernst Stahl-Nachbaur; Michael Günther; Christiane Hanson; Käthe Jöken-König; Wanda Peters; Christian Schwarzwald
Director: Wolfgang Staudte
Script: Eberhard Keindorff; Johanna Sibelius; Fritz Staudte; Wolfgang Staudte
Camera: Friedl Behn-Grund; Eugen Klagemann
Music: Ernst Roters
Editor: Hans Heinrich Egger
Production year: 1946
Production country: Deutschland
Original title: Die Mörder sind unter uns
Medium: Blu-ray Box
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Die Mörder Sind Unter Uns [Regio free (0)]
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